About Us

Wali Homoeopathic Clinic is well known renounced name in the field of Homoeopathic since 20 years and serving the peoples with great gratitude and noblism.
The clinic is founded and owned by Dr. Abdul Aziz Mughal (D.H.M.S, R.H.M.P, M.A, L.LB), who is also well known reputed name in homoeopathic field and also researching in the same field.
By the grace of Almighty ALLAH and the holyvision and according to the saying of the Prophet (Sallallaho Alehe Wa Aalehi Wasallam) is curing many patients who came from all over the Pakistan for their medical treatment and by the bestowedness of Almighty Allah, they are cured as well as return to their normal Physical health.
We are famous for the treatment of all kind of diseases, Hepatitis, Kidney stones, Nasal Polyps and Tonsils are cured without operation.

Our Moto --> Serve Humanity, Everyday